"The ego is not master in its own house." - FREUD

Because ideology is a black hole.

1/7/20233 min read

"This is a practical country. We have ideals. We have philosophies. But the problem with any ideology is that it gives the answer before you look at the evidence. So you have to shape the evidence to get the answer you have already decided you need to have." — President Bill Clinton

If you look closely at the image at the top, you can see that the light is the evidence, and the boy is walking in the opposite direction: the ideology, or the molding of some evidence to defend what he has decided to have for himself. In other words, there is a slight distance between the fact and the individual's experience combined with his goodwill.

Let's recall an old saying: "Religion and politics are not to be discussed."

This statement also carries another deep ideology, which basically says: "My rules, my beliefs. I don't care or want to discuss what you believe." Please think about this for five seconds.

(1. 2.. 3… 4…. 5…..)

Did you notice anything strange? Or did it even seem confusing? Well, I did too... We have been modularized for many years to keep us away from our responsibility to understand and make an effort to comprehend using empathy, emptying beliefs or molds in the pursuit of true fact, starting from a tested, evidenced, and approved principle, such as the three laws of Isaac Newton.

  1. First Law of Newton (Law of Inertia): "A body at rest remains at rest, and a body in motion continues in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force."

  2. Second Law of Newton (Fundamental Principle of Dynamics): "The force acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration: F = ma."

  3. Third Law of Newton (Action and Reaction): "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What I propose is about responsibility and truthfulness in our ideas. It is not just about massaging my ego to craft a beautiful and romantic text about ideology, but about having a pivot point where we can openly discuss what is true, as this carries the fundamental basic principles of order, namely what is beautiful, good, and pleasant. It is what certainly brings harmony, progress, and peace.

The other side of the coin

We live in times where there is a huge effort to oppose evidence and universal acceptance in order to impose what, in my or your experience, would be the truth. Just a reminder, feelings or sensations are not universal truths. Such as:

  • I am male. Therefore, my chromosome is XY, and it would not help to force my mind to believe that I am female. The foundation of my being is formed within a male mechanism, although I might want to believe I am something else (experience, feeling, sensation), but the fact cannot be changed. Therefore, the truth is that I am a man.

  • Flat-earthers say the Earth is flat. Well, it has already been shown with countless pieces of evidence that the Earth is actually spherical. There are numerous ways to prove this, from space probes and telescopes to astronomical observations and natural phenomena, etc.

So why are there so many fierce ideologies filled with personal truths but not universal truths?

  1. Meeting the desire of a social spectrum?

  2. Has the world had more peace after this ideological wave?

  3. And what about your friends? Are they still with you after ideology confronts and opposes yours without a center of cohesion and evidence between the two of you? With empathy and distancing from the frameworks that make you believe only in what you understand and want?

  4. Does the chance of having micro-truths managed by each individual bring harmony or conflict?

The solution for me, as a mere thinking human being, is basic: let's listen more and make our differences an opportunity to find our way together, walking, even slowly, toward the light at the end of the tunnel.

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